JENKEM - Preserving Original Bricks from the Brooklyn Banks

JENKEM - Preserving Original Bricks from the Brooklyn Banks

There are certain skate spots in this world that are sacred, so much so that the dirty materials they’re made out of become a cherished keepsake.

Here in New York, we have the Brooklyn Banks, the ever-rolling brick wave that seems to be under constant threat of demolition. When word got out that the city was removing the majority of the original bricks–for good this time–we couldn’t let these treasures be lost to the dustbin of history.

In the deadest days of quarantine lock-down, we biked out to the Banks to get our hands on as many bricks as we could carry with the idea to send them out to the skaters that made them significant.

Though it would’ve been sick to save wheelbarrows of bricks and send them out to every skater that’s ever done a wallride, we settled on four because they are damn heavy and it’s the thought that counts.

The final list of brick recipients: Huf, Quim, Javier Nuñez, and Cardiel, who each imbued a little bit of soul into the stone. But hey, if you think you deserve a brick too because of that backside flip you did on THPS, what’s stopping you from grabbing one yourself?

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