ANTHEM "Play Twice" Summer Mix Tape

ANTHEM "Play Twice" Summer Mix Tape


A Mix by Fred Naked for ANTHEM™. 
Artwork by Reginald Pean. Curated by James Farsetta
ANTHEM™ Summer collection coming very soon! 


The Mission

Sounds, like ideas, travel formlessly around us during every step of our lives. ANTHEM™  is a brand whose objective is to crystallize the intangible art of noise into tactile, visual material. The dense fabric of disquiet that weaves New York City has informed our aesthetic since our earliest recollections. ANTHEM™  seeks to transcribe those long forgotten echoes of memory into an iconography that originates from New York City and emanates throughout the globe like waves of sound.

We are pleased to introduce ANTHEM™ 

Play Twice Before Listening. 

Follow the sounds of ANTHEM Instagram:


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